Monday, April 23, 2012

My creations so far :)

My first (well-done) self-portrait done last year, 2010. It's not much, but it's my first, and those are always impossible to let go :) I always tend to go for line drawing. Haven't quite mastered the art of sketching.
This one is simple. It basically accentuated just my features. My bushy eye-brows, big nose, bold eyes and precise lips just  show the Mediterranean part of who I am. P.S. Thanks dad for being Greek lol.
So I was told to draw my favourite inanimate object in my home. I was going to go with my fridge, but then I was like naahhh. Why? Because my fridge actually disappoints me sometimes, being empty and all, compared to idea number 2. My PlayStation 3 - sort've a no-brainer that this would be it, but yeah, I love this machine! My PC, however, is a VERY CLOSE second! Nearly tying with this baby right here! And of course having GOW III leaning against it, this pic could possibly describe me more than I care to realise.
My E-Commerce website coded as another project. Used JavaScript for this. A very easy code language, which I really enjoyed using and wouldn't mind pursuing :)

The "Contact Us" tab on my E-Com website..
This I did as a project with so much help from my buddies! My first internet blog that I coded.. Was a pain, but in the end, it worked out, thank goodness.

My first Window Application coded using C Sharp.. What a hassle! If it's not obvious, this application functions as a directory for any drive or folder you want to look through, checking all the files/items within and checking for duplicates too, giving you the option to delete or keep it. I love the background I chose though :) Took me all but 5 seconds to figure out what picture I wanna use as my background, and what a fantastic choice indeed!

This humanoid bot's name is Sentinal, design originally made by Carl Cornish. My class mates and I had to model this character from a cube. Once modeled, (which is not as easy as it sounds), we added bones to allow for movement, i.e. animation. This was crazy and you really have to know the motion of things to perfect animation. It takes a lot of time, but we completed it :)