Monday, June 11, 2012

"The Sea of Sands"

 Created a game scene about 3 weeks ago.. Done in Unity of which I completely enjoyed! Overflows with awesomeness! Level-Design anyone? Yes sir me :)

When I press PLAY :).. The dust particle system is on hectic but because I have sound in there that depicts a strong wind, the dust seems appropriate..

Before you go, "Oh that housey-thingy shack&slash is so0o cool"..It was downloaded from what Unity calls The Asset Store :)

Those 3 tall palm trees there that look like they are suppose to be there, aren't supposed to be there lol.. Was a mistake I let happen :)

What is a game without weapons??

If it's not obvious to the gamer-eye, that "building" in the distance is a picture on a plane :) It's faded due to the dusty fog one sees in the desert..

WATER!! :)

Her name is Lucrecia haha I am kidding! (No offense to the "Lucrecia's" out there).. She goes by the name Carmen :)

Carmen is so pretty! No matter which way you look at her haha ;)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What I've been up to lately... Unity :D

My Unity scene.. Level design.. Pretty awesome!

It's raining SOAP BUBBLES :D - Thank you Unity for particle systems!!

Working with materials today and I figured I'd make an alien sort of weird thing lol.. Okay I don't know what I just said but it's alien blocks trying to kill me! :)

My floating/burning rocket following a ball that shoots fireworks!! Oh and a very dangerous tree which looks so pretty :) - can you see my excitement??

Gladiator, why I love it...

The film “Gladiator” is not only a graphic depiction of the Roman Empire but also an amazing display of talent and pure awesomeness as they come.


The most impeccable display of strength, courage, passive rage, pain, heartbreak and most of all (my weakness) patience with a hint of restraint. Wow.

Russell Crowe, you beauty you! And Ridley Scott takes the speech right out of me.

Gladiator is based around a tough general who conquers lands by killing and leading men to kill, portrayed as a loving, caring father who counts the days till he gets to see his family again. "In this life or the next". Makes my heart melt.. Drip drip drip..SPLAT!

I love this film! I even bought myself the film soundtrack :) - after all, it is done by the greatest film composer and music producer Hans Zimmer (in collaboration with Lisa Gerrard). Genius!

"Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bare" - Maximus Decimus Meridius.

Oh and I forgot to mention how much I appreciate Djimon Hounsou as a supporting role in this film.."Not yet, not yet.." His words really stuck by me and I feel it is through his character, that Maximus built his patience for revenge and for seeing his family again.
We all have that one special person in our life that keeps us grounded. Our own 'Juba'(Djimon's character).

There is and never will be a movie that'll touch me as much as this one did. Perfection.

Although The Lord of the Rings trilogy (& The Hobbit) is definitely my favorite, it's in a different league to Gladiator, and no one should dare ask me to choose between them. Or else!

Monday, April 23, 2012

My creations so far :)

My first (well-done) self-portrait done last year, 2010. It's not much, but it's my first, and those are always impossible to let go :) I always tend to go for line drawing. Haven't quite mastered the art of sketching.
This one is simple. It basically accentuated just my features. My bushy eye-brows, big nose, bold eyes and precise lips just  show the Mediterranean part of who I am. P.S. Thanks dad for being Greek lol.
So I was told to draw my favourite inanimate object in my home. I was going to go with my fridge, but then I was like naahhh. Why? Because my fridge actually disappoints me sometimes, being empty and all, compared to idea number 2. My PlayStation 3 - sort've a no-brainer that this would be it, but yeah, I love this machine! My PC, however, is a VERY CLOSE second! Nearly tying with this baby right here! And of course having GOW III leaning against it, this pic could possibly describe me more than I care to realise.
My E-Commerce website coded as another project. Used JavaScript for this. A very easy code language, which I really enjoyed using and wouldn't mind pursuing :)

The "Contact Us" tab on my E-Com website..
This I did as a project with so much help from my buddies! My first internet blog that I coded.. Was a pain, but in the end, it worked out, thank goodness.

My first Window Application coded using C Sharp.. What a hassle! If it's not obvious, this application functions as a directory for any drive or folder you want to look through, checking all the files/items within and checking for duplicates too, giving you the option to delete or keep it. I love the background I chose though :) Took me all but 5 seconds to figure out what picture I wanna use as my background, and what a fantastic choice indeed!

This humanoid bot's name is Sentinal, design originally made by Carl Cornish. My class mates and I had to model this character from a cube. Once modeled, (which is not as easy as it sounds), we added bones to allow for movement, i.e. animation. This was crazy and you really have to know the motion of things to perfect animation. It takes a lot of time, but we completed it :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Fish are friends, not food!"

Despite the very polite way 'Bruce the Shark' put it, in Finding Nemo, during his FA (Fishes Anonymous) meeting with Chum and Anchor, Sushi is quite delicious :) Even though my brother and I recite the motto above everyday in that deep, hoarse voice that Bruce the Shark has, we can't help but enjoy Sushi nearly once a week. Not entirely our fault though, as even Bruce gave in to his desires when he started chasing Dory and Nemo.

My favorite piece of Sushi would of course be the Sashimi. I however, only enjoy Salmon, as Tuna and Prawn are so dry and don't have much of a unique flavor as Salmon. Prawn Tempura is awesome though! It's the crusted prawns, in case you didn't know. Dip it in Sweet Chilli sauce, and you'll have a carnival of flavor jumping and swirling around your mm.. Coming in second would be the ever-popular California Roll. Hopefully, depending on where you're at, the rice wouldn't be too overwhelming as to hide the pure flavor of the Sushi inside. Many people I know really enjoy the Salmon Roses too. However, for me to thoroughly enjoy Roses,  there has to be just the right amount of Mayo and Caviar. Next on the list would be Rainbow Rolls, Fashion Sandwiches and lastly would be the Maki. Nigiri wouldn't even appear on my list because the rice at the bottom is just way too much, so i rather just eat the Sushi off the top and leave the rice.

My usual spot for Sushi right now would be Active Sushi in Strand Street, Cape Town. I only go there if I can't think of another place to go to and when deciding to have sushi for supper is sudden. I always have the 'all you can eat' special for R109. They also have this incredible lunch special, where you get 20 pieces for R60, pretty worth it. I'm always with my family when enjoying sushi. It is, of course, our favorite food. What started this unbreakable love for, what is undoubtedly number 2 on the World's Best Foods List, (straight after Pasta), is 'House 1890' in Observatory. We went there nearly every weekend. The sushi was impeccable! I have no complaints about that place whatsoever. We knew the owner too, but when his rent went up, his Sushi rose like a thermometer on a hot, Summer's day. So we slowly backed away from that place, and moved onto a Japanese cuisine restaurant in Sable Square, Milnerton, by the name of Sake. They have a special 'all you can eat' deal going on there that just seemed to have a price increase nearly every month. And if you're looking for lots and lots of rice with your Sushi, Sake is the place to be. We then tried Capello at Eden on the Bay in Big Bay, which wasn't a SUSHI place, if you know what I mean. So they cheat you because you have to wait a while for the sushi to come and in turn, your mind is already rendering the fact that you're full and can't eat anymore. We now have a sort of 'favorite' place (for now) in Plattekloof, Blue Fin. It's really good! Pity about the strict rule they have on the Sashimi and Roses portions, only allowed 2, I think. Other than that, their Prawn Tempura and Spring Rolls are the best I ever had and the Miso Soup wasn't half bad either. So far so good on the hunt for great sushi. However, there are much better places out there where the vibe is great and the service is amazing, but the prices is what scare the customers away, eg. Beluga. Highly rated restaurant, but you'd have to own Microsoft before you can eat at that place on a regular basis.

I know sushi isn't for everyone. Firstly, the price is like Apple Mac to a Microsoft Windows user or PS3 to a XBOX 360 gamer, either way, more than 50% of the population prefer a barrel of KFC, which is so NOT "finger lickin' good". Secondly, "it's raw fish!", that's what everyone keeps telling me. Really? And did you know brunettes have brown hair? Gosh! It's not like I'm eating a raw piece of Snoek or Hake! Salmon and Tuna are fish that CAN be eaten raw OR cooked! So just get over it. Sushi is awesome and I'll (California) rol you if you say otherwise!

Face/Off - Kay Out*